Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Made in Canada

I just celebrated my birthday lately and I always try to give myself a challenge for my new year. A lot like a New Year's Resolution but without the gym membership. This year's challenge was inspired by this September's Vogue magazine. It's been a long standing tradition of mine to buy that edition and make myself a pot of tea and peruse the pages of this "bible" of fashion. It used to be that I'd dream of owning clothes like that or to look like the models on the pages. Well, that was then and this is now. Now, I study the pages and try to decipher the trends not in clothing but in the images that portray women and what that says about us and the world we live in. I include my daughter and her little friends and ask them what they think of the pictures and the clothes and what it says to them. I get some pretty funny and honest opinions. The sociologist in me is doing an informal experiment on social norms and views.
I was reading about Fashion Week and seeing the different countries who participate in the makings of the world of fashion. I didn't see a mention about Canada or so very little about Canadian designers and thought that that was a great shame. We have many great designers and I thought of the innovative and industrious spirit of Canadians. We should be in these Vogue pages. Then I realized that most clothes even all the ones in the Vogue are really made in China or Indonesia. Not much is made in Canada anymore. And I wondered if I could buy Canadian-made anymore? So that was it! My challenge for this birth year is to only buy Canadian made clothes for myself. The cost would be higher per item then what I'm used to now but I'm past the phase of buying new clothes every week or even month so it should be fine. Since it was my birthday I'd try to find a piece or two to start me off. Well, that search was mostly fruitful in eliminating most of the stores I usually buy from.
I found one store that sell women's clothes. It's in a nearby mall, ,and has lovely clothes manufactured in Canada for their own stores. I'm sure the fabrics are not Canadian-made but it's made here which is a good start. Then I found another company who makes jeans.
They make these very comfortable jeans in Montreal and I found a store who sold them. They actually make them in my size and for a whole year's jeans budget I bought a pair that I love. The store who sells them went above and beyond in service and that is commendable.
I am pleased with my start to this challenge. Of course, I'll wear what I have now but my money is going only to Canadian-made for at least one year. Is this going to get Canadian designers in the Vogue pages? Maybe not but it will be my small act to get them there.


  1. What a great way to celebrate your birthday! Enjoyed reading this!

    1. Thanks Beth! I just love my new Yoga jeans. You really could do your yoga in them.

  2. Love your idea. Just bought new wardrobe at Marks. Cdn? Not sure?

    1. Marks might have some, never know. Someone told me that Giant Tiger carries some canadian made clothes. Will have to check that out.
